An urgent appeal to action for the Poorest of the Poor

Please, Please if you agree with the below, please share with all of your contacts,
and sign the petition via the link below.

COVID19 has put the Poorest of the Poor (736million) in severe danger. We must act quick.

There are 736 million people living in extreme poverty ( UN definition wages of $1.90 or less per day).  This is almost 9% of the world's population. 
Additionally, 2/3rds of the world, about 5 billion people, live in poverty where income is less than $10 per day.
Governments around the world have focused on looking after their own people, and there has been so little reporting about what is happening to the Poorest of the Poor and in the Refugee camps. 
The price of rice has risen by almost 50% since the start of 2020
We need all wealthy Governments to show compassion for these people and release promised funds for the immediate relief of those that are facing the threat of starvation now. 
Those in 'extreme poverty' are in the most severe danger.  However, there will be other hot-spots in the 5 billion living in 'poverty'  where lock-downs and reduced/non-existent economic activity has caused incomes to plummet to 'extreme poverty' levels.
We call upon the UK Government to play its part in addressing this potentially greatest humanitarian disaster from unfolding before our eyes.  In particular, we call upon the UK Government to lead a G20 Global Response and work with the United Nations now. We need to listen, report, be compassionate and generous and to give.  And to give now.
Wouldn't it be nice if history shows that the people of this world in 2020, not only looked after themselves but also the Poorest of the Poor? Yes that would be nice.


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