The Role of the UN – How to end Wars and Oppression

The Role of the UN – How to end Wars and Oppression

Wouldn’t it be great if countries resolved differences by referring disputes to the UN, without a single weapon having to be fired?

There are still several regional disputes e.g. Palestine/Israel and Yemen/Saudi Arabia, and whilst it is sad to hear of the deaths of soldiers, it is usually the weak, poor and vulnerable that suffer most.  Children with no means of lifting a hand and asking for help.

If we wanted to, we could work on the following 8 point plan to enable the disgraceful tolerance of wars outside of the big 3 territories (3T North America, Europe and China/Japan), and the vast expenditure by the 3T in ‘defending’ themselves. 
    1.  Agree a UN Charter that establishes the limits of every Country’s powers, and expectations of how Leaders rule their country, especially if oppressive power is abused.  There needs to be acceptance that the UN decision is final, albeit challenges can be mounted say every 5 years.
    2.   Agree the borders.  All remaining disputes are to be referred to UN for resolution 9 (see below).
    3.  No veto rights for any countries.  USA has 1 vote and The Gambia has 1 vote.  Indeed, all countries have one vote.  Decision making by a 75% majority.
    4.  Global spending on ‘defence’ in 2019 was $2000bn.  Global spending of ‘AID’ in 2019 was $250bn.  Let us reverse this wasteful use of resource so that AID is 8x every country’s defence spending, rather than the reverse at present.
    5.  New disputes will arise.  All to be referred to UN for dispute resolution.
    6.  UN Peace-keeper forces to move in vast numbers into locations where one country refuses to accept the UN decisions.  No other forces to be used.
    7.  Countries that refuse to accept the UN Charter, or ignore the spirit of the desire for peace inside and outside of their country, or ignore a UN resolution, will be subject to sanctions which start with trade embargos, overseas asset confiscations, and the UN threat of regime change.
    8.  A monthly celebration of the GLOBAL HOPE index where wars and disputes, and human rights abuses are 20% of the score.  This could be a huge public event where votes from each country are collated and published individually, regionally and one score for the World.  It is only then that the people of the 3T will start to share the burdens that 80% world suffer from.

Wouldn’t be nice if we diverted resources away from destructive armaments ($2,000bn in 2019) to humanitarian AID ($250bn in 2019)?

Peace & Love


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