The obscenity of obscenities! A Kanye West dispute.

The obscenity of obscenities! A Kanye West dispute.

Wouldn’t it be nice if status was not a desired IDOL?

Following yesterday’s article on The Idols of the Rich, there in my Sunday paper was a headline of ‘Now, call me a billionaire: Kanye West wins Forbes row’.

Mr West, the mercurial rapper and fashion mogul, has officially gained the status of ‘billionaire’ following a long and acrimonious dispute with Forbes magazine.  Apparently, the feud began after the August 19 publication did not list him in the list of billionaires.
Mr West was unhappy and accused Forbes of ‘snubbing’ him and being ‘disrespectful’.

Then in April 20 Forbes produced the list of USA billionaires and again Mr West was absent.  His sister in law Kate Jenner was.  This really angered Mr West, and he sent a text to Forbes as follows:

You know what you are doing.
You’re toying with me, and I am not going to lye down and take it anymore, In Jesus name.

Finally, after months of requests from Forbes for proof of Mr West’s wealth, he directed his financial team to provide the evidence.  Forbes now concluded that Mr West was correct and listed him at $1.3bn.

Mr West is married to Kim Kardashian, which is another story entirely on its’ own and for another day.

The article concluded by noting that Mr West is a big Donny Trump fan.

However, Mr West still remains unhappy with Forbes, stating that he is not just a billionaire.  I am worth $3.3bn, since no one at Forbes knows how to count.

Is it worth adding comment or perspective?  I don’t think anything more really needs to be said.

Wouldn’t it be nice if we didn’t make an idol of this shameful man and his equally status obsessed wife?

Love and Peace

Please see the collection of musings by Control and clicking the link below.


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