The Idols of The Rich

The Idols of the Rich

Wouldn’t it be nice if we truly valued the important things in Life, rather than the Idols we seem to have adopted?

So, what are the passions of the 4T (4 Territories - North America, Europe, China and Japan)?

In the UK we have Harry Kane, Cristiano Ronaldo, Lionel Messi, Lewis Hamilton, to name but a few.
We have elevated these individuals absolute GOD status.
We award them multi million packages (Forbes 2019) 
Harry Kane is a relative pauper on just £15m p.a./£300k p.w.
Lionel Messi tops the list with £110m p.a./£2m p.w.
They ‘earn’ this because we pay them indirectly with sports subscriptions averaging £100 per month, and by buying tickets to watch them, where including extras we can pay a further £100 p.m.
It what’s we, as a society, have collectively chosen to do.

People famous for being famous.
Not for what they have achieved.  Not for done.  Not for what they have given.
But we treasure them, and again elevate them to IDOL status.

With average prices to see a band starting at £100 we love to see the big stars on their tours.  Ironically, quite a few of  us prefer to record the show on our mobile devices rather than take in the experience.  Oh, and the prices for the comfortable seats are far higher.

Probably the most destructive of all IDOLS is the trend to promote oneself.
Having the best home.  Have the best car.  All financed on easy credit.
Its all part of having to portray ourselves as a success.
And then there are posting on Social Media of our wonderful lives, our exotic holidays, our fabulous new fast fashion clothes.  The perfect families and the perfect relationships.
All of course an illusion.  There is no such thing as perfect in this World.

Guys.  Easy credit causes misery, Families are dysfunctional, Partners are sometimes annoying.
I challenge anyone to prove that they have the perfect life.  There is no such thing in the world.
We have UP days and we have DOWN days.

Well let us rule one out.
That of compassion and generosity to the Poorest of the Poor.
In the previous article ‘How close did we come to losing The Earth’, we noted that the Credit Suisse 2019 had produced a report that showed 81.6% of the World’s wealth in 4 territories (4T)  (being North America, Europe, China and Japan).
The UN set a target in 1970 of 0.7p of every pound of Domestic Income to give to the poorest countries.  In 2017 this was being achieved by 6 countries with Sweden leading the way at 1.4% then Norway, Luxembourg, Denmark, Netherlands and in 6th place the UK.
The richest country in the World the USA gives just 0.16% of Domestic Income.
In the UK, this UN target was achieved under David Cameron’s Tory Government in 2013 and it became enshrined in lay in 2014.  Within the Right-wing press and political elite, there does seem to be an orchestrated campaign to reduce the giving.  So often we hear ‘Charity begins at home’.
What on earth is going on.  Let us step up to the plate.  Start with getting all G20 countries to 0.7% and then agree a rapid plan to lift our giving to first 5% and then to 10%.

Wouldn’t it be nice if we cared for our wonderful Planet which has been in Intensive Care?
And wouldn’t it be nice if we gave generously and with love to the Poorest of the Poor.

Love and Peace
Please see the collection of musings by Control and clicking the link below.


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