The Rt Hon Robert Jenrick MP ( or should that be Rt DisHon ? )
Me and my musings .. Please join me
The Rt Hon Robert Jenrick MP ( or should that be Rt DisHon
? )
Wouldn’t it be nice if MPs were of the people, and actually
followed their own advice.
A search of his name took me to GOVUK website for the Ministry
of Housing, Communities and Local Government.
There is a banner at the top of the page which reads :-
Coronavirus (Covid-19): what you need to do
Stay at home
Only go
outside for food, health reasons or work (but only if you cannot work from home.
If you go out, stay 2m away from
other people at all times
Do not meet others, even friends
and family
You can spread the virus even if
you do not have symptoms
Next to this message is 3 further straplines ‘ Stay at Home’
‘Protect the NHS’ ‘Save Lives’
This is the message that we have been told for some 2 weeks
now, and the vast majority of the population are following it’s spirit.
He did so by leaving his London home, to visit his elderly
parents in their ‘stately home’ in Shropshire.
A round trip of 336 miles.
The PR sprang into action straight away, and there was instant
support from his chums.
We were told that it was a 40 mile trip, which may be the
case if he owns further homes nearer.
The Rt Hon gentleman’s website says that the family home is
in London.
This is where, he and his
wife and children reside.
There is also
a further home in his constituency, as well the family estate in Shropshire (wonder
if that is held in trust ?).
also list a further London property and many others in family names.
Minimum value £8m.
Does he not understand his own advice ?
One would think this unlikely, as he was highly educated and
worked in law, and as a director of Christies, before coming an MP.
He has also shown great awareness and acumen
to maneouvre into his current role.
Does he think that his advice doesn’t apply to important
people hike him ?
This is probably the truer interpretation.
One rule for the plebs, and one for him and
his mates.
Why are the Cabinet still protecting him ?
Is it because others have been equally guilty? and sacking ONE might lead to a higher number
having to go also.
Perhaps looking at the make up of Boris’s Cabinet would be shed
more light on his reasoning.
Boris’ cabinet is he least diverse for many years.
Less women.
Less Black or Asian.
Most University of Cambridge or Oxford educated at 65%, plus
65% were privately educated.
It also includes Jacob Rees-Mogg !
It would appear as though Boris has selected a group to lead
the Country that do not have any understanding of what it is to be a normal
member of the Public.
We cannot blame
the individuals for that, as it is just who they are.
Furthermore I hold no issue either with the amount of
wealth that they own.
However, there is absolutely no way that they can understand
how society works.
What its like to live on SSP.
What its like to be homeless.
They are probably more preoccupied with making sure that the
wine cellar is properly stocked.
Planning their next trips to the exotic Holiday Homes.
Counting their money.
Hoping no-one discovers their off-shore trust fund investments
(legalised tax evasion).
Earlier in the week I published my musings about the need
for a new breed of politicians, under the title ‘The New Leaders and Politicians’. In this post I listed a new Code of Conduct
and Disclosure.
Wouldn’t it be nice if MPs were indeed a new breed.
Where they were of the people ,and served the people ?
Love and Peace
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